I attended a talk just now, at the uni. The title was as written, 'Their jihad, not my jihad'. When I first read the title, I thought that it would be very interesting..as it would be talking about jihad. Something that I have just started to learn how to appreciate! So, I attended it, there were two of us, me and my little sister. I thought the topic is interesting enough that it would attract so many people to the talk. Unfortunately, happened to be that there are only the two of us, who are obviously Muslims in the lecture hall. Only the two of us. Then, there were some jews and others were non-muslims. It was...hurm, rather confusing. I was expecting ISOCs would be around. They are always active and participative in these kinda things. After all, I think that the talk was organised by them. Interestingly, it was actually not by them. It was by a society I have never heard of. Anyway, enough of this, what I want to say is about the talk that was delivered. The content of i...