Sharing the WORDS..
Bismillah.. It has been a long time since i last has been a long time since i last share... Few days ago I just finished reading chapter 5 to 8 of Manhaj Hidup Muslim..what a great sharing of the WORDs of God..some of what Abul 'Ala Al Maududi wrote really touches my heart..the style of writing was quite... (hmmm.. i dunno how to describe..hehehe) romantic i guest. But still the message was clearly delivered.. He wrote with a deep thought on what is Kalimah Tayyibah (refering to La Ilaha Illallah)..its significance in our this world and hereafter..why does it matters. why believing ALLAH and his Messenger matters.. have we ever reliased how strong the believers should be whenever they believe in La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammad Rasulullah..ALLAH said the words are like a GOOD TREE with firm root and branches grows up high tili reaches the heaven..I see strength. I see hope. I see great lives in such comparison..don't you? أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ ضَرَبَ اللّ...